Thursday, October 8, 2009

Merceditas Coffe Farm Party

Two weeks ago, a local coffee farm called Las Merceditas celebrated its annual party dedicated to their patron saint St Mercedes. I have formed a great relationship with the family who owns the farm, the DeLeons, and teach English to them and their kids about once a week. The party included marimbistas (above), a beef stew of sorts, a mass, a little dancing, and a lot of hanging out chatting about life in Guatemala and the latest jokes people had heard.

The marimba, shown above, is the national instrument of Guatemala and is included in just about every formal celebration. You'll notice in the video that one of the marimbistas (marimba player...if that wasn't obvious) holds two sticks in one hand to play various notes at once. That's very advanced level marimba. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. And I'm impressed with the child playing along with the others!
