Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Back in Action (pics below)

Rockin' and rollin' again in good old San Rafael Pie de la Cuesta. After a relaxing couple of weeks and a successful site visit to two other Peace Corps sites with my mayor and team, we had a great week of work in the park.

Having been inspired by Brittany's site at Corazon del Bosque (about 3 hours from San Rafael) Marcelino and I started building a fence on our main trail that heads down to some of the best quetzal-viewing parts of the park. It serves both as a protective boundary at some points and a visitor corraller at others. But given that Marcelino and I are a team of two, sometimes three with Saul, the work went slow and steady. All the materials we're using for the fence (wood and bamboo) have been recycled back in to use after having been leftover from various projects at nearby coffee farms.

We're probably about halfway on the fencing with our main trail and have at least another two weeks to finish up the other half. After that, I'm looking to start building some signs using a router and a little paint. Updates to come.

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